To display visibility on the class diagram, you place the visibility mark in front of the attribute's or operation's name. 为了在类图上的显示可见性,放置可见性标志于属性或操作的名字之前。
This person also knows where to place the needles so the patient feels no pain in the area where the operation is to be performed. 针灸者当然也知道要把针刺入病人哪一个为之这样才可以使得手术部分不会疼痛。
Directory Systems hired Castillo Holley to put in place a strategy, hire lawyers in Chile to expand the Latin America operation, and build a local prototype of the matchmaking product. 该公司聘请了霍利,要求她制定战略,在智利聘用律师扩大在拉丁美洲的业务,并为挂钩产品建立地方模式。她全部做到,最后该公司由一家美国大医药公司收购。
Ensure that the grille be In place while the machinery be In operation 机器运转时一定要放好安全网罩
According to the latest survey, the majority of youth crimes take place in web bar, where there are actually no effective measures to supervise the operation. 根据最近的调查,大部分的青少年犯罪发生地都集中在网吧,那里几乎没有有效的监控手段。
He said he was very excited at seeing great changes taking place here in Hefei and being able to witness the successful operation of Phase I of the Continental Hefei Plant. 他说,多年后再次来肥,不仅看到了这里翻天覆地的变化,还即将见证大陆集团合肥工厂一期项目投产,非常激动。
Performance management is the core of human resource management, which has a high place in the operation and development of enterprise. 绩效治理是企业人力资源治理的核心,在企业的经营发展中具有重要地位。
Know your place in the operation and complete the task given to you. 清楚你在工作中的位置并完成交给你的任务。
Mao east area frequently takes place sloughing hole, pipe-stuck, lost circulation in drilling operation. 鄚东地区钻井过程中经常发生垮塌、卡钻、井漏等复杂事故。
A tube leak rupture failure took place in a gas turbine heat recovery boiler after a short period of operation. 一台燃气轮机余热锅炉在短时间运行后就发生了炉管穿漏事故。
The investigation place is a middle city in west China; the sample is the operation conditions of criminal detention of that city's district; 考察地是我国西部某中等城市:样本是该市某区刑事拘留的运行现状;
The connecting bolt of the main generator rotor spindle for the locomotive take place a continues break in operation. 机车用主发电机转子的连接螺栓在运行过程中发生连续断裂。
Since China adopted the policy of protecting forest resources in the mid 1980s, great changes have taken place in forestry enterprises 'existence foundation, operation environments as well as their space, content, methods and means in market competition. 80年代中期我国实施保护森林资源政策。林业企业存立的基础、经营环境、市场竞争的空间、内容、方式、手段都发生了变化。
The soil and water loss takes place mainly in the construction period and the operation period, and more serious in the construction period. Technical measures: ( 1) The foundation of the girder fabrication field bed adopted pile foundation. 水电站建设的水土流失问题主要体现在施工期和运行期,并以施工期的影响较为突出,如不采取必要的减免措施,将会对周围生态环境造成无法挽回的损失。
The crisis of Security Firms which took place in large scale in 2002 brought forth serious hidden perils to safety operation of financial system. 2002年券商危机全面爆发,为金融系统安全运行带来极大隐患。
In sale network construction and allocation, the construction mode of special sale place integrated with 4S in which 4C concept is the core has become the sale operation way in the world famous automotive compa-nies. 在网络布建方面,以4C理念为核心的4S四位一体的专营点构建模式已成为世界著名汽车公司的营销方式。
The siphon tapping process has taken the place of-the previous steel-slag mixed tapping method in the electric are furnace operation. 改电炉钢、渣混出的出钢方式为虹吸出钢。
This paper introduces the misunderstandings in construction and shows that quality deficits and construction quality accidents are prone to take place if the builders do not operate in accordance with the operation instruction and the drawings. 介绍监督过程中发现的施工误区,从理论上分析不按操作规程或不按图施工,容易发生质量缺陷,甚至可能引发工程质量事故。
Although the State has issued the policy particularly aims at closedown and bankruptcy of the resource dry-up mine enterprises, unsteady affairs still take place from time to time in operation of that procedure. 虽然国家又出台了针对资源枯竭矿山企业关闭破产的专门政策,然而,在关闭破产的操作中,仍经常发生不稳定情况。
Menstruation became normal in 10 patient one month after the operation. Amenorrhea took place in 3 patients who were in the age of menopause 2 months after the operation. The symptom of anemia and pelvic oppression improved significantly in 2 patients 2 months after the operation. 10例术后1月后月经恢复正常,3例绝经期年龄患者术后2月闭经,2例患者术后2月贫血及压迫症状明显改善。
Within the Internet economy environment, all the basic change has taken place in various kinds of economic behaviors and operation ways. 由于在网络经济环境下,各种经济行为和运行方式都发生了根本的改变。
External carbon source uptake, PHB storage, aerobic PHB oxidation and simultaneous nitrification-denitrification processes were taken place in the operation of the reactor. PHB was demonstrated to be the electron donor of denitrification reaction in the simultaneous nitrification-denitrification process. 反应器运行经历了外部碳源的摄取、PHB储存、PHB有氧氧化和同步硝化反硝化作用,PHB作为同步硝化反硝化过程中反硝化的电子供体。
It shows that choosing a correct puncture place in a rigid operation method, a strict pipeline air discharging, a right programming and a right calculation of discharge, speed and total volume ensures the CT enhancing scan success. 指出严格按照操作规程正确选择穿刺部位及操作方法,严谨的管道排气,正确的编程,适当的造影剂注入量、流量及总量的计算保证了CT增强扫描的成功。
Great Changes have taken place recently in bulldozer technology, mainly: brondening application of electronic technique, increasing operation performance, reliability, controlling comfortably, repair and maintenance property and new technique about environment protection. 推土机技术近年来发生了一些变化,主要是扩大电子技术的应用和提高推土机的作业性能、可靠性、操作舒适性、维修保养性能以及在环境保护方面的一些新技术。
Apparent changes took place in air dynamic field at vortex burner outlet which would affect the stability of burning and boiler operation. 但加模拟火炬气后,旋流燃烧器出口前的空气动力场发生了比较明显的改变,对燃烧火焰稳定有较明显的影响。
The necessity to regulate and control the consumer demands is determined by the place it has and the role it plays in the macro-economic operation, in which it is the most important factor of demands. 对消费需求进行调控的必要性是由它在宏观经济运行中的地位和作用决定的&它是宏观经济运行中最重要的需求因素。
The profound changes have taken place in the world financial system and mixed operation has gradually become the mainstream of the international financial industry. 金融制度在世界范围内也发生了深刻变化,混业经营逐渐成为国际金融业的主流。
B/ S structure, the biggest advantage is that it can at any time, any place, in any way to achieve cross-platform access to the network real-time operation. B/S结构的最大优势是它可以在任何时间、任何地点、以任何接入方式实现跨平台的网络实时操作。
On the one hand subject to the constraints of my personal research, on the other hand is also difficult to ensure that every place can achieve the beneficiaries of all the existing conditions in the actual operation. 一方面受制于笔者个人研究条件的限制,另一方面是因为在实际操作中现有的条件还很难保证每个地方都能实现五保的所有内容。
The knowledge economy has become the dominating economy form. And the intelligent resources take place of the traditional resources, acting as the leading power in the economic operation. Innovation has become the power source of the social and economic development. 以此为标志的知识经济成为了21世纪的主导型经济形态,企业的智力资源取代了传统的资源优势,成为经济运行的首要的主导性力量,创新成为了社会经济发展的动力源泉。